Welcome to the Chakras!

Namaste Gorgeous!

Growing up my family was pretty conservative. They certainly didn't believe in chakras! There was no one in my friend group that knew about this stuff, not even in university.

My first introduction to Chakras was in a Yoga class. How about you?

Even after hearing about them in some yoga classes I didn't believe in them. I come from a background where we mostly believe what we can see. All this talk about chakra energy where there was no proof was beyond me. I was skeptical. 

What a story I have to share about how I went from total skeptic to Chakra Specialist. 

Today I want to be that person that introduces you to the Chakras even though it's weird. 

I love weird! 

Here is what I want you to know the most...

This is your opportunity to heal thyself.

Applying the psychology of the chakras is life changing. You will evaluate yourself as either deficient, excessive or balanced by chakra, for your own self-diagnosis & healing. You will be able to heal thyself. This is a powerful start to a happier, more peaceful and loving life!

The main Chakras are 7 energy centers situated in your body located between the head and the lower part of the spine and are:

Muladhara - Earth or Root Chakra

Svadhisthana - Water or Sacral Chakra

Manipura - Fire or Solar Plexus Chakra

Anahata - Air or Heart Chakra

Vishuddha - Cleansing or Throat Chakra

Ajna - Light or the Third Eye Chakra

Sahasrara - Crown Chakra 

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