What does Zen mean?

Zen is slang for feeling peaceful and relaxed.

Zen is formally a type of Buddhism that focuses on awareness through the practice of meditation.

"One way to think of zen is this: a total state of focus that incorporates a total union of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts." Urban Dictionary

And some credit should go to the icons who introduced Zen into mainstream consciousness starting in the '50's: Jack Kerouac with the book The Dharma Bums, the philosopher and writer Alan Watts, the Trappist monk Thomas Merton, and Robert M. Pirsig known for Zen and the Art of Motorcycle.

Oh my goddess if you haven't read their work you totally should!

Other definitions of Zen include:

-- "Zen" is actually shorthand for Zen Buddhism.  According to the Random House Dictionary 2010, Zen is "…a Mahayana movement, introduced into China in the 6th century and into Japan in the 12th century, that emphasizes enlightenment for the student by the most direct possible means."

--There is a feeling of our turning darkness to light, along with a perception of the inherent unity of everything. The mind becomes pliant and responsive, ready to face the day with equanimity and confidence. The result is peace of mind and composure.

--The term Zen itself though “is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the Middle Chinese word 禪 (Chán), which traces its roots to the Indian practice of dhyāna (“meditation”). (Wikipedia)

I personally relate to "the giving attention to only one thing.” After all, we often do and are occupied with too many things at the same time, especially in our head. This has inspired so much of my work over the years to Starve the Distraction and Feed the Focus.

When I started working on this program I sat down with my pen and paper and wrote down all that came to my mind when thinking about Zen. And words like *peaceful *calm *being present *balanced *easeful *grounded *mindfulness *neutrality *loved *supported *meditation *abundant *focus *centered *receptive *balance…

All these words bring some calmness, yes tranquillity to the moment, to life. It’s a lot about feelings and emotions for me. Really it's about the state of my heart not just my mind. And that I am responsible for my keeping my zen. After all, it’s not about the situation, it’s not about what’s around me, it’s about my own mind!

I can find myself in a zen-like situation, for example walking through a forest, but if my mind keeps spinning, that moment will be lost. Then again, if I’m calm and centered in my mind, even the most chaotic situation can bring this zen-like feeling. 

That's why I want this program to be here for you, to help you find and maintain your zen in heart and mind no matter what is going on around you.

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