30 Day Calendar of Self-Love

30 Day's of Self-Love

Day 1 What good habit do you want to begin this month?

Day 2 Name one thing you love about your personality.

Day 3 What is something you need to start saying yes to?

Day 4 Where in your life do you need to start slowing down.

Day 5 What is one thing in your life you need to get rid of?

Day 6 How can you set better boundaries?

Day 7 What things make you feel happy to be alive?

Day 8 How can you give yourself a break today emotionally?

Day 9 Name one thing you love about your body.

Day 10 What one thing you're working on that you think you deserve?

Day 11 What is one thing that you can do today that will support your future self?

Day 12 How can you commit to loving yourself today?

Day 13 What do you need to forgive yourself for?

Day 14 What does a support system look like?

Day 15 Take a selfie and find one thing to love about it.

Day 16 What can you say to yourself today to make your day better?

Day 17 What is the most loving thing you've done for yourself today?

Day 18 What is a simple nighttime ritual you can show you love yourself?

Day 19 Take 3 minutes to sit and focus on breathing today: Inhale and exhale.

Day 20 How can you give yourself a break today physically?

Day 21 What can you do to indulge yourself today?

Day 22 Write out on index cards 10 things you love about yourself.

Day 23 What positive words do you use towards yourself?

Day 24 What morning ritual can you include this week?

Day 25 Take 1 minute to do some mirror gazing, look at yourself hold gaze.

Day 26 Make time for a nap today.

Day 27 Write a love letter to yourself today.

Day 28 How can you give yourself a break mentally today?

Day 29 Find a theme song that makes you feel the love for yourself.

Day 30 Dance like your love yourself!

30 Days Self Love Challenge Planner.pdf
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